Mobile personal assistant for busy people

Minute Taking - I am one of those rare people who love taking minutes!
Document typing/filing
Temp Receptionist/Administration (award winning!) - book me in for a day if your receptionist calls in sick or for an afternoon when your entire staff goes out for lunch!
Why not hand over your To-Do List to me and I can action it:
Pick up your dry-cleaning, take dvds/library books back
Take your car for a warrant/service
Arrange for flowers to be delivered
Pick up goodies from your local deli
Pick the kiddies up from school and pick up dinner on the way!
Dog walking or I can let the dog out during the day while you are working
Take dog/cat to the vet/dog groomer

Home and Property
Allowing access for maintenance people and stay on site while repairs carried out or daily home check ins if you are away.
Home visits
Arranging morning teas for seniors and friends
Exercise companion